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Book collections in homes can include a wide variety of books, from brand new releases from favorite authors to battered old books that have been passed down for generations. Below are some general guidelines for protecting book collections in your home.

Preservation Tips

General guidelines detailing how best to handle and preserve books.


Proper Lighting and UV Protection

  • Keep books out of direct sunlight when storing them

  • Don’t place shelves directly next to windows

  • If possible, use UV-filtering windows, curtains, or blinds

  • mperature before attempting play back


Heat and Humidity

  • Keep books in a cool, dry, stable environment

  • Monitor temperature and humidity levels year-round

  • Watch out for large fluctuations in temp and humidity - fluctuating environmental conditions can cause faster degradation of books

  • Temperature should stay around 65℉, with +10℉/-20℉ fluctuation seasonally

  • Relative humidity should stay around 45%, with +/-10% fluctuation seasonally

  • Avoid storing books in basements, attics, or other areas where water leaks could occur

Pest Management

  • Again, avoid storing books in places like basements and attics, where pests are more likely to disturb a collection

  • Monitor collections often and watch for signs of pest infestations, such as damage to books or pest droppings in the building



  • Dust collections often and avoid allowing accumulation of dirt or other residue on the collection - maintaining airflow around the books can help prevent dust accumulation

  • Be cautious when using cleaning chemicals around books, as certain chemicals can be harmful and can be absorbed by paper and cause corrosion and degradation


Proper Handling and Storage

  • Avoid overcrowding bookshelves

  • Use bookends to keep books from leaning or slumping

  • Shelve books of similar size together

  • Damaged or fragile books should be housed in boxes to prevent further damage

  • Remove books from shelves properly - push in books on either side of the book you are retrieving, or reach over the books and push the desired book out from the back

  • Don’t carry too many books at one time - carrying too many books may result in dropping them, causing damage

  • Avoid eating while handling books, and use pencils rather than pens while working with books

  • Never use paper clips, staples, or rubber bands in or on books. Avoid using adhesives like sticky notes that can leave residue behind or damage pages and book covers

Book Preservation

Book Preservation

Book Preservation
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The FUNdamentals of Book Care in Five Easy Lessons
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The FUNdamentals of Book Care in Five Easy Lessons



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